Addiction is a medical disorder which consumes a person’s life and causes unwanted and many times damaging consequences to the addict as well as those who love the addict. At Turning Point Counseling, we know how difficult it is to stop acting out in an addictive behavior.
All of our counselors have either worked in inpatient or outpatient facilities dedicated to the treatment of addictive behaviors or are in recovery from their own addictive processes.

Drug & Alcohol
Counseling in your time of need
Our counseling for substance use disorders supports the addict’s sobriety and helps assess their need for a greater level of care if necessary. Recovering from a substance use problem requires support and counseling especially during the early stages. At Turning Point Counseling we design a program that fits the schedule, strengths, and struggles of each client we see.
- Alcohol and drug addiction
- Sexual Addiction
- Pornography Addiction
- Gambling Addiction
- support for family members of addicts
- co-dependency
- Other compulsive behaviors – examples include eating, video games, shopping and cutting
We realize that people are addicted to many behaviors along with or independent of alcohol and drugs. One of the areas that we specialize in is sexual addiction. Over the past few decades internet pornography has fueled this addiction and has become one of the chief addictive behaviors that both men and women struggle to control. We have Certified Sex Addiction Therapists on staff that work with clients individually and in group settings. We also conduct three day sexual addiction intensives designed to help jump start sexual recovery.
At Turning Point Counseling, we understand that families of addicts suffer in many ways. We counseling family members individually and as a family unit so that the pain caused by their loved one’s addiction is resolved and so that the family can heal.